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- McAfee ImageStor v1.11
- Release Notes - November 1995
- Thank you for your purchase of McAfee ImageStor. As with all
- McAfee products, we would like to have your comments. If you
- have not already done so, please complete and return the
- registration card provided in the file README.TXT and
- include your suggestions or comments.
- ___________________
- What's in This File
- This file covers the following topics:
- - Product highlights
- - Installation
- - Getting help
- - Cancelling a backup operation
- - Creating a bootable disk
- - McAfee contact information
- __________________
- Product Highlights
- McAfee's ImageStor provides a quick method for backing up and
- restoring your hard drive. Here are the main functions of
- ImageStor:
- - Backup and restore an image of your entire system to disk
- or tape.
- - Create a bootable disk, which can be used to restore your
- system in the event of data loss.
- ____________
- Installation
- Review these basic requirements for installing and running
- ImageStor.
- - DOS 6.x or above
- - VGA display
- - An extended memory manager must be loaded
- - Destination devices (for example, SCSI hard drive or tape
- drive with ASPI drivers loaded)
- - Mouse and mouse driver (optional, but recommended for ease
- of use).
- ImageStor is available from the BBS. You'll need to download
- this file:
- IS1111.ZIP
- Use PKUNZIP to decompress the ImageStor product files
- either onto floppy diskettes or into a directory on your
- hard drive or server. These files are automatically copied
- into the appropriate directory structure when you unzip them.
- Before you install, you'll want to verify that the files you
- downloaded are exactly the same as when we posted them online.
- We recommend you perform this task for maximum anti-virus
- protection. Read the following paragraphs to learn how to
- validate your file.
- Included in the files you downloaded is the Validate program
- (version 2.0.1). Validate is a file-authentication program that
- you can use to check program files for signs of tampering.
- Validate uses two methods of generating Cyclic Redundancy Checks
- (CRC's), and then displays the information so you can compare
- these statistics against the "known value" for the program files.
- The dual CRC checking provides a high degree of security.
- The known value you use for validation is usually provided by the
- author of the program, or you may receive it from a trusted
- information database. You can find the statistics for
- ImageStor in the file PACKING.LST.
- To confirm that a program file has not been tampered with, run the
- Validate program and then record the validation data produced.
- Compare this data against the file statistics the program author has
- specified. If the information matches, most likely the program
- has not been modified since McAfee put the files online.
- To run VALIDATE, enter the following command:
- VALIDATE <path spec>
- where <pathspec> is the name of a directory and file. (The
- wildcard characters, "*" and "?", can be used when specifying
- <pathspec>.)
- The VALIDATE program displays the following information:
- <name of directory>
- name of file (starting at row 1)
- extension of file (starting at row 10)
- size of file (starting at row 15)
- date of file (starting at row 25)
- time of file (starting at row 35)
- check method 1 (starting at row 44)
- check method 2 (starting at row 51)
- SAMPLE TXT 12345678 01-01-80 12:01a 1A2B 3C4D
- <number> file(s) have been validated.
- ____________
- Getting Help
- To get help on any of the ImageStor functions, select the Help tab.
- Then, select the desired topic from the index.
- _____________________________
- Cancelling a Backup Operation
- We strongly recommend that you do not cancel a backup once
- it has started. If you stop a backup operation before it is
- finished, the data set on the tape is not complete. In addition,
- restoration of this information cannot be performed successfully,
- and booting your system from this disk may result in data loss.
- ________________________
- Creating a Bootable Disk
- When you create a bootable disk, ImageStor searches your
- CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and copies the commands needed
- to start your system. Information such as environment variables
- and path statements are not copied. New CONFIG.SYS and
- AUTOEXEC.BAT files that contain the copied information are created.
- If you want to add information to the system files on
- your bootable disk, you need to do so after the disk is created.
- Refer to your DOS manual for instructions.
- ImageStor loads device drivers using the following statement:
- If you use a device which is not compatible with this device load
- statement, you can change the CONFIG.SYS file on the ImageStor boot
- disk. Refer to your DOS manual for more information.
- __________________________
- McAfee Contact Information
- The following McAfee information may come in handy as you
- use our products.
- For questions, orders and problems call Customer Service Monday-Friday,
- 6:00AM - 5:00PM PST at (408) 988-3832
- For Faxes (24 hour, Group III FAX), call (408) 970-9727
- You can receive online assistance through any of the following resources:
- Bulletin Board System (24 hour US Robotics HST DS) at (408) 988-4004
- Internet Email: support@mcafee.com
- Internet FTP: ftp.mcafee.com
- World Wide Web: http://www.mcafee.com
- America Online: keyword:MCAFEE
- CompuServe: GO MCAFEE
- The Microsoft Network: GO MCAFEE
- For more information about scheduling onsite training for
- any McAfee product, call Customer Service at 800/338-8754.
- To make it easier for you to receive and use McAfee's anti-
- virus products, we have established an Agents program to
- provide service, sales and support around the world for our
- products. A listing of United States and International agents
- is provided in the file AGENTS.TXT.